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  全彩心智圖表 X 超值心智圖講堂



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  • ISBN:001SLPH190600
  • 叢書系列:
  • 規格:平裝 / 19 x 26 x 1.3 cm / 普通級 / 單色印刷 / 初版
  • 出版地:台灣
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隨著新冠疫情在國際社會中蔓延的嚴峻形勢,海外藝術類院校的學生們也在面對日益嚴重的焦慮:學校停課、畢業創作以及宿舍關閉等問題該如何解決?對於來自世界各地的國際學生來說,面對著世界各國的不同防疫政策,是留下還是回國?這對每一個學生來說都不是一個簡單的選擇,不論作何選擇,他們都承受著極大的心理和社會壓力。 With the grim situation of the COVID-19 pandemic spreading in the global community, students from overseas art schools are also facing increasing anxiety. How to solve the problems such as school suspension, graduation work as well as the dormitory closure? For international students from all over the world, when they confront various pandemic prevention policies in different countries, either staying where they are or going back to their own country, could be a tough decision for them. No matter what choice they make, they are under tremendous psychological and social pressure. 期間,藝訊網希望分享這個學生群體的真實聲音,與更多讀者分享海外藝術類院校學生在這個特殊時期的所思所感。他們所在國度的疫情發展,到底是什麼狀況?我們關注他們現在真實的狀態,所有的疑問和境遇將由他們自己解答,所有我們與他(她)們想要共同傳遞的關切與鼓勵,將呈現在這些話語中。 During this special period, CAFA ART INFO hopes to share real situations and opinions from this group of students. What is the status of the pandemic situation in the country they are staying? We pay attention to their current state. All questions are expected to be answered by them. All the concerns and encouragement we would like to share with them would be presented in these words. 藝訊網:能否簡要介紹下自己的情況? CAFA ART INFO: Can you briefly introduce your situation in studying abroad? 王思又:我來自北京,是一名在美國留學的大二學生,目前就讀於紐約州阿爾弗雷德大學藝術與設計學院。 Siyou Wang: I am from Beijing, a sophomore year student studying in the United States. Now I』m studying in the School of Art & Design, Alfred University, New York. Marcello Caruso:我是來自佛羅倫斯藝術學院的一名學生。在2019年時,我獲得了版畫和平面藝術的榮譽學位。現在我正在攻讀插畫碩士專業的第二年也是最後一年課程。我本人來自南非,我的父親是義大利人,母親是南非人,因此我得以擁有雙國籍。五年前我開始在義大利進入藝術名校佛羅倫斯藝術學院學習。我希望能夠探索創造力與交流的視覺語言,並常常借鑑不同文化背景下的歷史和神話,尤其是那種主要利用圖像進行溝通的文化。 Marcello Caruso:I am a student at the Accademia di belle arti di Firenze (the Academy of Fine Arts of Florence). In 2019 I received my degree, with honors, in printmaking and graphic arts. I am currently in my second and final year of a master in Illustration. Originally, I am from South Africa, my father is Italian and my mother South African, therefore I have dual citizenship. Five years ago, I was presented with the opportunity to study in Italy at the prestigious Academy of Fine Arts of Florence. I aim to explore the visual language of creativity and communication, and often draw upon the history and myths of different cultures, especially those that predominantly make use of imagery to communicate. 鄭琹語:我是鄭琹語,本科、研究生畢業於中央美院設計學院。目前就讀於美國紐約視覺藝術學院,為視覺插圖散文系的一年級研究生。 Qinyu Zheng:I』m Qinyu Zheng and I graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts. I』m a first-year master student in MFA Illustration at the Visual Essay program at School of Visual Arts, New York. Mona:我來自江蘇無錫。在美國紐約New York Studio School 學習繪畫。 Mona:I am from Wuxi. I am taking the post-graduation program at the New York Studio School in New York, United States. 王子平:我叫王子平,來自遼寧瀋陽,目前是美國紐約普瑞特設計學院繪畫專業的二年級研究生。 Ziping Wang:My name is Ziping Wang from Shenyang, China, currently a second-year graduate student at the School of Design, Pratt Institute, majoring in fine art. ... 安全距離,德拉瓦州,王思又供圖 Safety Distance, Delaware Image Provided by Siyou Wang 藝訊網:你目前身在何處?新冠疫情對你有什麼直接影響?目前的生活和心理狀態如何? CAFA ART INFO: Where are you currently? How does the COVID-19 pandemic directly influence you? What are your current life situation and mental health? 王思又:這次的疫情迫使美國絕大多數的學校都停課了,學生們不得不返回自己的家裡上網課。美國疫情爆發初期正值春假,這直接打亂了我的一切計劃。首先是收到學校郵件通知學生先上一周網課,然後回學校照常上課。這讓當時的我非常地不安,因為我知道新冠病毒的傳播能力有多強,再加上美國人沒有戴口罩的習慣,一旦春假結束,學生們從各個地方返回學校上課,很難保證沒有人攜帶病毒。我的學校位置比較偏僻,周邊醫療條件有限,如果疫情爆發,後果難以預料。兩天後學校終於決定關閉學校,將本學期所有剩餘的課程改為網上授課,我的擔心不存在了,但是新的挑戰也來了。由於學校關閉我們必須要清空宿舍,因此我們要找到合適的地方存放自己的物品。我和三個同學選擇在離學校開車十分鐘路程的地方租了一個大倉庫,把所有物品存放進去。我之前本來有回北京的打算,但是看到身邊大部分朋友的機票都被取消了,而且一些已經回去的同學他們的回程經歷也是十分曲折——比如我前幾天了解到有的同學歷經了 60 多 個小時才回到北京。同時,國內的政策也是在不停地變化,現在要回北京的話首先都會被分流到別的城市,在降落城市隔離 14 天后才能回北京。現在我在德拉瓦州和我的朋友一起,狀態還不錯,沒有因為疫情的爆發而過度恐慌,日常生活也準備了充足的應對措施。 Siyou Wang:The COVID-19 pandemic caused the suspension of classes in a large majority of schools in the United States and students had to go back to their homes for online classes. I was on spring break at the beginning of the outbreak of COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S. It directly disrupted all my plans. First of all, I received an email from the school informing me that I would have online classes for a week and then we can go back to school as usual. This made me feel really uneasy because I knew how strong the transmission ability of the coronavirus was. Plus, Americans are not accustomed to wearing masks; once the spring break is over and students return to school from different areas, it's easy for the virus to be out of control. Besides, my school AU is located in a remote place and the medical conditions are limited. The consequences of the outbreak are unpredictable. Two days later, the school finally decided to close down and change all the remaining courses of this semester to online teaching. My worry was gone, but new challenges came. Because of the closure of the school, we had to empty our dormitories. In this case, we had to find somewhere to store our stuff. Three of my friends and I chose to rent a large storage unit ten minutes away from our school and put all the belongings in it. I considered going back to Beijing, but I noticed that most of my friends' tickets had been cancelled. Some of the students who have already returned have also had a very tortuous return journey. For example, I learned that some students took more than 60 hours to return to Beijing. Meanwhile, domestic policy is also changing constantly. If you want to go back to Beijing now, you will be diverted to another city. Only after you are isolated for 14 days, can you then move to Beijing for the next stop. Now I'm in Delaware with my friends. I'm in good shape. I haven't panicked too much because of the outbreak and I've taken enough preventative measures in my daily life. ... 阿爾弗雷德的雪,王思又供圖 Snow, Alfred, Image Provided by Siyou Wang Marcello Caruso:我目前在義大利佛羅倫斯。新冠疫情的流行對義大利的日常生活造成了不利影響,我相信在其它國家也是一樣。政府鼓勵我們待在室內,限制所有不必要的外出活動。生活被局限在我們所居住的方寸之間,我們只有在去超市(購買生活必需品)時才能外出,但在超市人們也彼此保持距離。 Marcello Caruso:I am currently in Florence, Italy. The COVID-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on everyday life in Italy, as I am sure it has had in most other countries as well. We are encouraged to stay indoors, and limit all unnecessary outdoor activities. Life has become limited to the personal space in which we live. We have the opportunity to leave our homes only to go to the supermarket where people keep their distance from one another. 鄭琹語:目前身在紐約。新冠疫情爆發以來,全紐約的藝術類院校陸續停課,開始網上授課。疫情初期,藥房的口罩很早就被搶購一空,只能求助國內的家人和朋友郵寄了幾批口罩。我在亞馬遜上較早也購買了酒精噴霧、消毒水等物資。由於我長期在家做飯,所以家裡的囤糧一直是富餘的,偶爾也會和室友一起出門採購一批物資。 Qinyu Zheng:I』m currently in NYC. The art schools in NYC closed the campuses and started online courses due to the outbreak of COVID-19 in the U.S. During the early period of quarantine, the masks in pharmacies had already been sold out, so I had to ask my family members and friends for help. I bought some supplies from Amazon. The supply of food is fine as I usually cook at home. Sometimes I will go to the grocery stores with my roommate. ... 超市門口排隊的場景,鄭琹語供圖 People were queuing in front of the H Mart, Image provided by Qinyu Zheng Mona:我生活在美國紐約布魯克林區。學校目前已經關閉, 除了藥店和超市以外的所有商店都已經關閉。我們得知的信息是到五月初整個春季學期都會在網上授課完成。我在家工作和學習,一周分幾次和老師同學們在網上完成學習任務,其餘時間在家畫素描和讀書寫作,搜集資料並尋找相關推廣作品的機會。因為兩年前已經在美國獲得藝術碩士學位,現在所在的學習項目不是學位制,除了參與所選修的課程項目以外,我沒有嚴格的學位課程制度需要完成。加上之前幾年獨立藝術家的經驗,我有建立自己的工作方式。學校的通知是因為我們學校沒有決定延長學期,所以學生簽證不會因此延期。 Mona:I am in New York City. The school is closed, as well as all the other non-essential businesses. I am currently working from home and I have zoom-meeting with teachers and other classmates a few times a week. The rest of the time I am reading, writing, researching and looking for opportunities to promote my work online. The change of ways and how we get education as art students do not have a huge influence on me since I am not in a degree-seeking program, which means I am not required to meet any deadlines but only keep attending classed that I registered for. In addition, with a couple of years of working independently as a practicing artist, I have developed my own strong work ethic. The student visa won』t be extended due to the COVID-19 situation, while the school has decided not to extend the academic calendar year. 王子平:我目前在德克薩斯州的休斯頓。紐約的新冠確診人數上升的時候,有一些公司開始允許員工居家工作,我家樓上的室友對疫情很不重視,當晚就開了個大派對,叫了七、八個人來家裡,我覺得非常害怕,也擔心之後會有「封城」的政策,所以第二天一早我把我的貓交給了朋友,打包了畢業論文的參考書目和油畫顏料,快速逃離紐約,寄居在人相對沒那麼密集的休斯頓鄉下的朋友家裡。過了幾天之後學校發了通知說工作室禁止任何人員出入,又過了幾天說畢業展和畢業典禮取消;再過了幾天說因為我在學校木工房工作,而木工房在疫情期間不會開放,所以我的一部分工讀助學金會被取消。我申請的一些藝術家駐留也在這幾天發了郵件說今年不會開放駐留項目。 Ziping Wang:I』m currently in Houston, Texas. When the number of confirmed cases in NY began to rise, many companies started their work-at-home policy to encourage social distancing. My upstairs neighbor was not taking the situation seriously and hosted a big party that very night. I was partly alarmed by their irresponsible action. Besides, I feared the potential of a city-wide lockdown on the horizon, so I made the decision to find a friend to take care of my cat, packed my thesis paper references and my painting materials, and escaped to suburban Houston where the population density is much lower. Days later, I got the email about no access to the studio, after that there was an email about the cancellation of the degree show and graduation ceremony, then the reduction of stipend from my graduation assistantship. Some of the residency program I』ve applied to also announced they will cancel their programs for the year. ... 新冠疫情之前二年級學生的公開點評,王子平供圖 Before COVID 19, 2nd Year student Public critique Image provided by Ziping Wang 藝訊網:目前你所留學/所在的國家防疫政策如何? CAFA ART INFO: What is the current pandemic prevention policy in the country you are studying/staying? 王思又:眾所周知美國的疫情日益嚴重。或許是因為在疫情初期抱有虛幻的希望或者其他什麼原因,這邊現在才開始全面應對疫情。現在美國的感染人數每天都在飛速增長,已躍居全球第一。美國防疫政策與我國的差異是由很多深層原因造成的,這需要更多的學習和研究才能真正理解,可能和美國政治基因中最重要的「自治」有關吧。現在有些州已經宣布封城,比如我學校所在的紐約州,州長下令停止所有非必要的商業活動,就連最繁華的紐約市都被迫按下了暫停鍵。我還清楚地記得我大一時第一次去紐約的經歷:當時在紐約甚至讓我感到有一絲不安,因為這座城市到處都散發著一種「涌動」的感覺,讓人有一種永遠不能停下的急促感。然而就是這樣一座繁華的城市,在疫情的爆發下也罕見地變成了一座空城。在紐約的醫務人員們表示紐約的醫院已經不堪重負的情況下,川普卻依然信心滿滿。他甚至稱希望在復活節前放開美國一切的公共活動。要知道中國用了整整兩個月時間的嚴格隔離才大致穩定了局面。 Siyou Wang:As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic situation in the United States is becoming increasingly serious. Maybe it's because of the illusory hope at the beginning or for some reason that the U.S. now starts to deal with the pandemic in an all-round way. Now the number of infected people is growing rapidly every day, and the infection number here has become the highest in the world. There are many deep-seated reasons for the difference between the U.S. pandemic prevention policy and China’s, which requires more study and research to understand deeply. Probably it’s because of "autonomy," the most important word in American political genes. Now some states have announced closure, such as New York State where my school is located. The governor ordered to stop all unnecessary commercial activities. Even the most prosperous New York City was forced to press the pause button. I still remember the first time I went to New York in my freshman year. At that time, I even felt a little uneasy in New York because there was a sense of surging everywhere in the city, which made people feel a sense of urgency that you can never stop. However, such a bustling city has never before shifted to an empty city under the outbreak of the Coronavirus. Medical staff in New York said hospitals are overburdened, while Trump remains confident. He even said he hoped to open up all public activities in the United States before Easter. It took China two months of strict isolation to stabilize the situation. ... 停下!德拉瓦州的鵝,王思又供圖 Stop! Geese in Delaware, Image provided by Siyou Wang 鄭琹語:政府建議大家在家工作,學校停課,勤洗手,不要接觸陌生人。對於輕癥患者,政府建議在家自己隔離。現在出門也會看到一半的人佩戴口罩和手套,公共場合都會配備免洗洗手液,有的超市會提供手套。整體來說大家都開始增強防護意識,這一點是我比較高興的。 Qinyu Zheng:The government suggested residents to work from home, and schools to close the campuses. The best way to prevent the illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus, wash our hands often. For those whose symptoms were less severe at COVID-19, they should stay at home and self-quarantine. Fifty percent of people have already put on masks and gloves when outside and public areas will provide sanitizer, some supermarkets even provide free gloves. In general, I』m happy to see people starting to take precautions in protecting themselves. ...... 疫情期間,鄭琹語在家插的花 During the pandemic period, Qinyu Zheng was practicing flower arrangements at home. Mona:不出門,在沒有必須要出門的原因時呆在家裡。政府已經加大測試力度,並在短期內通過增加4個臨時醫療點、招募大量志願醫療人員和購買治療物資的措施,希望在兩周內減緩感染速度。 Mona:Self-distancing. If you are not working for essential business, you are required to stay home. 王子平:美國很多的州已經下達了「Stay at home居家隔離」的命令,在紐約的話一切娛樂場所關閉,餐館也只接受外賣。我目前居住的休斯頓也開始了居家隔離的措施,餐廳、商場關閉,只留下一些必須開放的地方如:加油站,食品超市。 Ziping Wang:Many states in the U.S. have issued the stay-at-home order to the public. All public gathering spots were shut down, and the restaurants are only accepting takeouts. Houston, where I currently stay, has done the same, only the necessities remained open, such as gas stations and grocery stores. 藝訊網:你所在的學校是如何應對疫情的?是否開始了線上網課等無接觸授課模式? CAFA ART INFO: How is your university responding to the outbreak of the pandemic? Does your school start a contactless model, such as online classes? ... 新手,德拉瓦州,王思又供圖 Green Hand, Delaware, Image provided by Siyou Wang 王思又:學校要求所有學生回家,當然留學生如果沒有辦法回國的可以申請暫時住在學校一段時間。現在學校那邊也是物資緊缺。有意思的是,在美國疫情爆發前,我在上玻璃課的時候,每周三學生們到工作室去進行大掃除時,老師都會發給每人一個 N95 口罩。那時正是國內疫情較為嚴重的一段時期,我當時甚至還想過向學校購買一些N95口罩寄回國內,可沒想到短短幾周后就迎來了美國疫情的大爆發。網課已經開始進行。然而對於藝術系的學生和老師而言,上網課並不像其他專業那樣容易。讓我遺憾的是我這學期的兩門專業課,一門是製作玻璃,一門是陶瓷,在沒有專業的場地設施和工具的情況下就不能正常上課,教授們只能發給我們一些視頻和資料讓我們做一些研究,這對我而言是比較大的損失。我們的網課是通過 zoom 軟體進行的。對於教授們來說這也是一件不容易的事,因為他們很多人都沒有通過這種方式授課的經驗,他們在給我們上網課的時候也會諮詢我們的意見,一些上了年紀的教授還會問我們一些技術上的問題。 Siyou Wang:Our school asked all students to go home. Of course, for the international students, we can apply to stay in the school a little bit longer. Now the school is also running short of supplies. Interestingly, before the outbreak of Coronavirus in the U.S., when I was in my glass course, the teacher gave each student an N95 mask when they went to the studio for general cleaning on Wednesday each week. At that time, it was the period of the severe epidemic in China. I even thought about buying some N95 masks from the school and sending them back. I didn't expect that it would come so quickly, just a few weeks later. Online classes have begun. For art students and professors, online classes are not as easy as other majors. I'm sad that I have two professional courses this semester, one is making glass, the other is ceramic hand- building. Without professional facilities, equipment and tools, the two courses cannot work. The professors can only send some videos and materials for us to do some research, which is a big loss for me. Our online class is conducted through Zoom. It's not easy for professors because many of them don't have the experience of teaching this way. When they give us online lessons, they would consult us. Some elderly professors also asked us some technical questions. Marcello Caruso:學校組織了網上課程,通過這種方式,我們在一定程度上能夠跟上課程與繼續項目,但是我們仍舊處在不利地位。 Marcello Caruso:The Academy has arranged online classes and in this manner, we can, to an extent, still follow our classes and develop our projects, but unfortunately we are nonetheless at a disadvantage. 鄭琹語:SVA已經開始了網課,我們系很多教授都是老年人,他們都非常認真地學習網課系統的操作方法,提前把課程內容通過郵件的方式和大家溝通,真的非常感動。網絡課程系統也比較穩定,也可以同時看到同學們親切的面孔,所以在家上課的感覺還是不錯的。我們的系主任錄了溫暖的問候視頻給大家,讓大家在家裡勤洗手、多創作,不要著急,心裡非常感動。我們系的老師還會在每周五的晚上定期舉行線上虛擬酒會,大家會一起在聊天室里「雲乾杯」,分享宅家的趣事兒,也是一種緩解心情的好方式。 Qinyu Zheng:SVA has already started online teaching, many of our professors are elderly, and they put in major effort to learn about the technical methods of online platforms and sending emails to us before every class, which I』m very grateful for. The online system is stable, I can see everyone’s face during classes, and I really enjoy it. The head of our department recorded a warm video for us, encouraging us to wash our hands frequently, create more artworks at home and not worry too much during this tough time. I was so moved. Every Friday our department will have an online virtual beer meeting, we can chat and cheer in the chatroom, share our experiences and stories of quarantine, that is a good way to release the pressure and retain a healthy mood. ... 鄭琹語繪製的上網課場景 View of the online class drawn by Qinyu Zheng Mona:學校每天定期網上群組會面, 所有課程通過zoom 完成。 Mona:Yes. The school hosts daily meetings as well as other classes through Zoom. ... Mona的臨時居所 Mona's temporary home, studio view 王子平:我們學校從3月12號開始停課,3月30號開始所有課程開始以網課的形式開展。一些理論性課程的網課相對會容易一些,我們一般用Zoom或者Google Class 但是我的陶瓷老師也在這周發了郵件,說覺得自己的釉色原理課程很難在沒有工作室的情況下變成網課,目前以看視頻和理論知識為主。 Ziping Wang:My school cancelled all classes on March 12th and will be transitioned to online classes starting March 30th. Classes that are more theory-based have transitioned easier. We used mainly Zoom or Google Class. However, my ceramic instructor has announced that his glaze and clay mixing class would be very difficult to teach without the ceramic studio. Therefore the online version of the class is now mainly theoretical, taught through videos. 藝訊網:特殊時期,如果身體不適怎麼處理?學校給予幫助嗎? CAFA ART INFO: In this special period, will the school support you in terms of medical advice or hospitalization if you were feeling unwell? 王思又:現在大部分學生都已經回家,所以學校是幫不上忙的。如果身體不適的話還是儘早去附近的醫院就醫,醫院會給你做一些檢測,然後送往疾控中心,等結果下來後再確定是否要留院。 Siyou Wang:Now more and more students left campus, the school can't help it. If you feel unwell, you should go to the nearby hospital as soon as possible. The hospital will give you some tests and then send them to the CDC. After the results come back, you can determine whether you want to stay in the hospital. 鄭琹語:如果不適要主動聯繫學校的健康中心,他們會給予幫助。每個學生都購買了醫療保險,也會報銷一部分費用。 Qinyu Zheng:We were told If we are feeling uncomfortable, we can get help easily. Students should be able to contact the health and counseling center. Every student has health insurance and it will cover some of the cost of treatment. Mona:每天謹慎小心,學校給基本的信息和醫療信息。但是我們學校沒有專業的醫護人員。 Mona:Be really careful about the basic daily routines to protect ourselves. The school gives medical advice and contacts for us if we are facing any issues. But unfortunately my school doesn』t have a professional medical consultant. 王子平:現在整個學校是關閉的狀態,學校的醫療室會推薦學生去外面更專業的門診或者醫院治療,學校的心理諮詢室也改為網上諮詢,上周我們學校曼哈頓校區有一例確診,全校發了郵件告知,可能接觸到確診患者的人單獨收到了通知,所以信息溝通還是很及時的。 Ziping Wang:Currently, the school is fully closed, and the school clinics will redirect students to hospitals where better care can be provided. Therapy sessions are becoming online sessions as well. Just last week, the Manhattan campus of Pratt had one confirmed case, and there was a school-wide announcement to warn those who have been in contact. Overall, the communication from school to individuals has been effective. 藝訊網:對於疫情在國際上全面爆發的前後不同階段,你是否面臨著不同的社會和輿論壓力? CAFA ART INFO: Do you confront various social and public pressures in the different stages of the pandemic before and after the international outbreak? 王思又:我沒有面臨太多輿論的壓力,不過會有一些擔心吧,畢竟疫情是在中國先爆發的。之前也聽說有華人被打的事情發生。我身邊的同學和朋友倒是都沒有表現出不友好的態度,不過在社交平臺上還是能看到一部分人表達對中國的不滿,認為疫情是從中國開始傳播到世界的。川普之前也公然將新冠病毒稱為「中國病毒」,這樣做不符合一般慣例且有很強的引導性,作為總統應該慎言。 Siyou Wang:I had some concerns when the pandemic broke out first in China and the news that Chinese or Asians were attacked. But I didn』t feel too much pressure from public opinions because every schoolmate and friend around me is friendly. However, on the social platform, we can see some people's dissatisfaction with China, believing that the coronavirus began to spread from China to the world. President Trump has also publicly turned the new coronavirus into a Chinese virus which is not in line with general practice and has strong guidance. As a president, he should be cautious. ... Marcello Caruso, 《彼此》 Marcello Caruso,Each Other Marcello Caruso:我相信在所有極端情況下,正如我們現在正在經歷的情況,都會有社會性的強烈抗議,以呼籲團結和解和工資補償。從我個人在義大利的經驗來看,幸運的是,大多數人在為前者努力,我們大多通過視頻電話等遠程方式進行相互交流。我不禁感覺到,即使我們被迫彼此疏遠,但仍有一種更為強大的凝聚力。 Marcello Caruso:I believe in all the extreme situations, like the one we are currently experiencing, there will be a social outcry, calling for both reconciliation and remuneration (retribuzione). To the extent of my experience in Italy, fortunately most people strive for the former, we interact with each other remotely, most often by means of video calls. I cannot help to feel the sense that even though we are coerced to distance ourselves from one another, that there is a feeling of even greater unity. 鄭琹語:這個問題比較複雜,由於留學生大部分都是隻身一人在國外生活,對每天爆發出來的疫情正面、負面的新聞都會對心理造成一定影響。在災難面前,孤單會被無限放大,身份的認同感也會降低,因此我希望每個人可以用積極的態度面對這個艱難的時期,等待風雨後的彩虹。 Qinyu Zheng:This is a complicated question. Most of the international students live here alone. The positive and negative news of the pandemic can easily influence us. During this tragic time, the loneliness and the sense of isolation are being magnified and self-identity is diminished. I hope everyone can be optimistic and get through this difficult period. I』m sure better things are waiting for us in the near future. Mona:有讀過相關新聞,也是每天的熱點。但自己沒有親身經歷過。 Mona:I have read related news. But I have not experienced it personally. 王子平:在紐約剛剛開始有幾例病例的時候,由於我每天要花50分鐘搭乘地鐵去學校的工作室,我立即下單了口罩等防疫用品,並在地鐵上佩戴。在美國人的理念中,只有生病的人才需要戴口罩,所以經常在擁擠的地鐵上會有人堅持和我保持距離,還有一次一個外國人阿姨看到空蕩蕩的車廂里有戴口罩的我,馬上屏住呼吸換了個車廂。在中國疫情爆發嚴重的時候,我和別的亞洲學生曾經在班上討論過,如果紐約不採取任何措施的話會非常危險,然而外國同學大部分表示:」不就是個感冒,你即使得了也死不了,死亡率就百分之三。」不過這幾天看他們都開始發Instagram罵政府了,估計他們終於意識到問題的嚴重性了。 Ziping Wang:When there were only a few cases in New York, I prepared early and bought face masks to reduce the risk when on my subway ride which is about 50 minutes each way. But in the mind of Americans, only the sick wear masks, so you』ll see people keeping a good distance away from me even in crowded times. There was this one time when an older woman held her breath and switched the subway train right when she saw me stepping in front of her. When the outbreak was serious in China, my fellow Asian students and I discussed that if New York did not take proper precautions now, the consequence may be dire. But the rest of the students all had the impression that it’s like a flu which has a low mortality rate to worry about it. But in the week following this, they all joined forces in demanding more action from the government, so I suppose they realized the gravity of the situation after all. 藝訊網:計劃如何度過這段特殊時期? CAFA ART INFO: How do you plan to spend this special period? 王思又:這算是我人生中第一次面對這樣的情況吧,之前非典爆發的時候我只有三歲。這次又是身處國外,遠離家人,就更要全靠自己了。我現在的打算就是儘量減少外出,之前已經囤夠了一定的生活必需品,現在能做的就是宅在家裡,認真上網課,在閒暇時進行一些簡單的創作,或者至少把一些想法記錄下來。還有就是在家的適時鍛鍊也很重要,增強抵抗力也是必不可少的防疫措施之一。 Siyou Wang:This is the first time in my life I have encountered something like this. I was only three years old when SARS broke out. Besides, this time I am living abroad, far away from my family, I have to rely on myself for everything. My plan now is very simple: go out as few times as possible. I bought enough necessities in advance, I stay at home, take online lessons and think about new works, or at least record some ideas and make some layouts. What’s more, I EXERCISE at home. Strengthening resistance to infection is also one of the necessary prevention measures. 鄭琹語:我覺得自己在這邊只要心態好、食物儲備充足,在家還是可以繼續學習、創作的。而且在家裡這幾天,我覺得創作的效率反而提高了不少,省去了路上來回坐地鐵的時間和不必要的社交活動,節省下來的時間可以做更多有意義的事情。 Qinyu Zheng:If we keep an optimistic attitude, and take care of ourselves, we should have no problem to continue studying and working. During these days, I feel that my efficiency has improved. The time saved from the commute and social activities can be used in other meaningful things if we have the right goals in mind. Mona:保持(和外界的)聯繫,持續創作,保持健康。 Mona:Be connected, be productive, be healthy. ... 疫情中王子平在後院用塑料水瓶當鎮紙做藍曬 Creating cyanotype in the backyard using plastic bottle as paperweight, Image Provided by Ziping Wang 王子平:雖然沒有畢業展了,但是也打算繼續畫畫、寫畢業論文、學一些新的技能(最近在研究烤麵包,感覺與陶瓷和泥差不太多,準備參加海外朋友圈做飯大賽:)我沒辦法閒下來,閒下來會有一種愧疚感,會覺得自己作為藝術家能做的事情太少了,現在只能在家裡呆著,不給社會添亂。 Ziping Wang:Although it’s unfortunate that the thesis show has been cancelled, I still plan to continue working on my thesis paper and painting. I can』t stand to stay idle; idleness fills me with guilt. I would feel that it is so little for me to do as an artist and the only thing I can help is to stay at home and not cause more problems. 藝訊網:疫情的經歷是否會成為你的創作素材? CAFA ART INFO: Will the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic influence your art creation? 王思又:一定的,這是一段難得的經歷,也帶給了我很多不同的感受。通過這一段經歷我應該能做出一些不一樣的作品。 Siyou Wang:To be sure. Such a rare experience which brings me so many special feelings. It will emit something different. ... 王思又,木刻版畫,阿爾弗雷德,2020 Siyou Wang, Woodcut Print, Alfred, 2020 Marcello Caruso:這段時期毫無疑問會影響我們每個人的創作。普遍認可的是,我們有義務站在一起並尊重我們的社會責任。並非通過藝術、社交媒體或是與我們直接交流的人來傳播痛苦,而應團結一致。 Marcello Caruso:This period will definitely have an impact on each one of us and our work. It is believed that our obligation to stand together and respect our social obligations, not to spread panic but rather unity, be it through art, social media or interaction with the people we find in our immediate midst. 鄭琹語:我正在計劃在完成日常創作之餘用每日一畫簡單記錄一下疫情期間的生活,用一點小插畫記錄這個艱難的時期。相信每個插畫師朋友多少都有點創作的小衝動吧。 Qinyu Zheng:I』m going to create some daily drawings to record my quarantined life. I believe the pandemic certainly provided new content and material for us to think about and reflect on. Many of my illustrator friends will have inspirations to create new artworks. ............ 鄭琹語,《社交距離》 Qinyu Zheng,Social Distancing Mona:會的,我覺得成為藝術家是不斷尋找自身和他人,周圍,社會,文化,自然 等之間的關係。這次疫情危機對我來說是在極端環境下審視自我和自我需求。 Mona:Yes Definitely. I think being an artist is a journey to constantly seek a personal relationship with others, with surroundings, with society, with culture, with nature etc. The crisis and quarantine are an extreme situation for me to reflect on my thoughts and my needs. ... Mona, 《沒有黑暗我如何能看見光明》,布面丙烯 Without dark how can I see light, 30 x 36 inches, (76.2 x 91.44 cm), Acrylic on Canvas, 2019, ©️ Mona ... Mona, 《遊行中拿氣球的人》,布面油畫、丙烯 Ballon Holder in the Parade, 48 x 52 inches (121.92x132.08cm), oil and acrylic on canvas, 2019, ©️ Mona 王子平:我覺得對我會有一種影響,但是不會成為我繪畫的素材。在這次疫情中有很多情感是我之前沒有體會過的,也有很多事情是我沒想像過會發生在我和我的朋友身上的,這一定會對我產生一些影響。但是我對於直接記錄疫情這件事十分牴觸,因為我不想消費甚至美化這種重大災害事件,我希望我可以用更實際的方式去幫助需要幫助的人。 Ziping Wang:I believe it will affect me, but the pandemic will not become a subject matter in my works. There are many new experiences and emotions I』ve had during this pandemic, some I would never imagine happening to me and people around me, so yes, this will have an impact. But I disdain the action of recording it down because I don』t wish to commercialize, or even gentrify an experience like this. I want to help others with ways that matter more. 藝訊網:是否今年畢業?畢業展會有變化嗎? CAFA ART INFO: Will you graduate this year? Will the degree show be changed or postponed? 王思又:我今年不畢業,但我聽今年畢業的學姐說他們今年應該不能辦畢業展了,感覺還是挺遺憾的,本來我還想去參觀的。 Siyou Wang:I don't graduate this year, but I heard that the physical graduation exhibition this year would be cancelled. It's still a pity as I could have visited it. 鄭琹語:今年不畢業。畢業展目前沒有影響。 Qinyu Zheng:I』m not graduating this year. There is no impact of the thesis show for me. Mona:我會完成正常學期。但是畢業展會延期,具體還沒有通知。 Mona:No. I am not in a degree-seeking program. Other fellow students will still have their shows, but they are postponed. 王子平:今年5月16號是原定的畢業典禮,一周前學校發郵件通知畢業典禮和畢業展都被取消了。我昨天打電話取消了我的畢業禮服禮帽的訂單,店家表示理解並很快速地退了錢給我。昨天聽說紐約有的學校把畢業展推遲到了秋季,我們系的二年級學生也在和校方爭取別的可能性。 Ziping Wang:May 16th of this year was the date for the commencement of my show, but it was cancelled last week. I cancelled my order for the cape and gown yesterday and they were very understanding about it. There was news about other New York based art schools pushed their thesis show to the fall and we are communicating with the school about other possibilities as well. Interview conducted by CAFA ART INFO Dates: 2020/03/23 – 2020/04/10 Edited by Sue and Emily Weimeng Zhou Image provided by the interviewees CAFA ART INFO 英文版 Facebook/Twitter 國際同步全部資訊 @CAFAartinfo 最新國際月刊已出 訂閱請留言 版權聲明:所有發表於「中央美術學院藝術資訊網CAFA ART INFO」 中英文版( 及所屬微信公眾號「中央美院藝訊網」的內容均應受到國際版權條例的保護,未經授權不得擅自轉載使用。 如需申請獲得合作授權和內容轉載許可,可後臺留言「轉載」,查看細則並留言聯繫,或郵件聯繫中文)/ (英文)。獲得授權使用的轉載,並註明「來源:中央美院藝訊網/CAFA ART INFO)。未經許可不得擅自轉載或摘錄編改文字和圖片,違者本網將依法追究責任。 Copyright notice © CAFA ART INFO, 2020. All Rights Reserved. All of the information in the various pages of CAFA ART INFO web site and WeChat is issued by CAFA ART INFO ( for public distribution. It is protected under international conventions and under national laws on copyright. 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